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Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche


Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche is a rich and cheesy quiche that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It’s perfect for using up leftover Easter ham.

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche- great way to use up leftover ham!


I love making quiches. They are versatile, so easy to make, and great for using up leftovers.

If you find yourself with leftover holiday ham, this quiche takes just minutes to prep. I use a frozen pie shell to save time and make a quick pie filling with a little onion, some eggs, half-and-half, cheddar cheese, swiss cheese, and ham. You could use bacon instead of ham if you wanted to.

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche- great way to use up leftover ham!


Pour the filling into the pie crust, pop it in the oven and 45 minutes later your quiche is ready.

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche- great way to use up leftover ham!


Tastes great warm from the oven or after being chilled in the refrigerator.

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche- great way to use up leftover ham!

If you’d like to make a homemade Piecrust watch the video below and find the recipe here.


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Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche slice on a blue plate.

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche

This rich and cheesy quiche is perfect for using up leftover ham.
PREP: 10 minutes
COOK: 40 minutes
TOTAL: 50 minutes
SERVINGS: 8 servings


  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 4 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup half-and-half
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups diced ham
  • 1 cup shredded swiss cheese
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 deep dish frozen pie crust


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Melt butter in a small nonstick pan and cook onion until soft. Let cool slightly.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, half-and-half, salt and pepper.
  • Stir in ham and both cheeses. (I like to leave a small handful of cheese to sprinkle on top.)
  • Stir in cooked onion.
  • Pour filling into pie crust, set on a baking sheet and place in oven for 40 to 45 minutes, or until set.
  • Serve warm or chilled.


Calories: 356kcal
Author: Christin Mahrlig
Course: Main Course

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275 thoughts on “Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche”

  1. Easy and delicious. Thank you.
    Next time some herbs. Would have done it today but I didn’t have any fresh ones

  2. Thank you for this simple yet delicious recipe! I made two of these for my brunch today (added mushroom and spinach to one) and they both got rave reviews! I will definitely be making this again.

  3. Can you make this the night before and pop it in the oven in the morning? Or would that make the crust to soggy?

    1. Christin
      Christin Mahrlig

      I would mix together the filling and refrigerate it in a bowl overnight. Then just pour it into the crust and bake it in the morning. Or go ahead and bake it the night before and reheat it in the morning.

  4. I bought deli Ham and Swiss last week for lunches. Had some leftover and since they turn bad pretty quickly if not eaten and I hate wasting food, I looked for a way to use them. Found your recipe and had the remaining ingredients on hand (including a frozen deep dish pie crust that I bought last Christmas ! ). Took me only 15 minutes to put together ( including cleanup) and it’s in the oven right now. Smells wonderful already and I can’t wait to taste it. Doesn’t get easier than that.

  5. This is my go to quiche. I’ve made it lots. Always turns out. I use many different ingredients and flavors. Sometimes I add another egg and a 1/4 c more half and half. Delicious!!!!

  6. Good evening Christin,
    I just came on your site because I was looking for recipes for quiche. I love most of your ingredients, but it says it serves 8. If it is only a few can you freeze the quiche. I have several questions, I was hoping I know you have a busy schedule, but when it is convenient and when you have a little time, would it be possible to please answer a few of my questions. It would be very much appreciated. You say in the recipe to use frozen pie crust, can you instead use Tart Shells. And you also show shredded cheddar cheese can you substitute for mushrooms. I will be waiting for your feedback. Thank you once again for taking the time to read my comments, before I make this amazing recipe. And can you once again freeze this recipe. Respectfully, Sylvia

    1. Canadian Dad

      I’ve done it without a crust–it works fine. I sprayed a pie plate with cooking spray and it didn’t stick. The only thing is, the quiche tends to fall apart a bit without the crust to support it, so I wouldn’t serve it to guests without a crust. It’s fine for a typical weekend breakfast or weekday dinner, though.

  7. I just made this for lunch and it was creamy and delicious. I’ve been using a recipe for many years that will now be tossed aside. This has endless possibilities by changing up the ingredients. Also, it turned out great as written at a higher altitude. I’ve been challenged after moving to an elevation over 5000 feet but this needed no time or temp adjustments. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe.

  8. I made this tonight. I was cleaning out my fridge from leftover Christmas food. So I made it with lots of bacon and ham. I also used up my green onions and a green pepper that I sautéed first. I have to eat gluten free so I used a gluten free crust. The house still smells delicious. This recipe was easy. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Very good easy quiche. Comes out great every time. I found I need to use only 3 eggs or the quiche runs over (maybe because I add too many of the other ingredients). I usually add garlic to onions and add green onions with eggs, etc. Thanks for the recipe.

  10. Thanks so much for this recipe , Christin. I couldn’t find my own and gave up searching. I made 6 individual quiches instead of a big one. There are only two of us so I always make any sort of pie this way. I used a whole onion, a generous shake of Tabasco instead of pepper, ¼ tsp of herb stock powder instead of salt, 1½ cups of grated tasty cheddar (instead of Swiss cheese) and topped the quiches with about a cup of grated parmesan. I was lazy and used sheets of frozen short pastry, so when I come to reheat the quiches I hope I won’t be sorry. The idiots who make frozen pastry don’t use butter (unforgivable in a country that is home to the world’s biggest dairy company) so the pastry won’t be anywhere near as nice as my usual home-made stuff. The proof of the pudding (as the cliche goes) is in the eating so I won’t know if I like your recipe for another two days. But I’m giving it five stars because it worked so perfectly for my six little pie dishes. I’m sorry I don’t share your passion for cooking (how I envy women who like cooking). I cook because I have too. Food that’s oven-ready is way too expensive and incomes are simply not keeping up with all the rises in food prices.

    1. Maybe you should actually make his recipe instead of changing it beyond recognition before you review it. #justathought

      1. That was going to be my reply. And then to call people idiots for using frozen crust. Seriously! Maybe the “knowitall” should start her own blog and call it “SEE YOUR WAY OUTTA HERE”.

        1. She actually commented about the makers of frozen pie shells idiots for not using real butter. She never called people who USE said pie shells idiots. Lol. But, I have to agree. TASTE it before commenting. I’m sure it will be amazing. I have one in my oven right now! Will comment as soon as I taste it! Looks great, though!😁

        1. Catherine Todd

          All these mean commentators made sure Laraine will never post another comment or reply. I for one, enjoyed her substitutions in the recipe. For shame on the rest of you!

          1. What is the problem with making substitutions? You folks need to relax a little! Laraine made no criticism of the recipe, so can’t see that there is a problem here!

  11. Kari Mitchell

    I made this last summer when I was having to cook for my mother (who had a mini stroke) and mother-in-law (who broker her arm) and I was looking for different things that would store in the refrigerator and then be re-heated. It turned out SUPER and got rave reviews. I am going to make another for our annual pie auction at church (as it will be a great Thanksgiving brunch or day after item). My only draw back is the frozen pie crust I bought must have had sugar in it as it there was a slight sweet taste. Can’t wait to re-make and adjust as I go. This is a great base recipe. Thanks

  12. VeggieMom11

    I use a refrigerator pie crust and add 1 teaspoon of ground mustard, 1/4 teaspoon of smoked paprika and use 2 cups of sharp cheddar, 1 1/4 cup of chopped drained, frozen broccoli for a veggie version. My family loves it!

  13. Amazing quiche. I use white onions instead of yellow onions. I use 90% of the recommended Swiss/cheddar, and substitute the remaining 10% with chopped American cheese. I add a little bit of green onion, cut into tiny pieces using kitchen scissors, which provides the tiny green flakes as shown in the pictures. This is a great recipe.

    1. Not sure how long they last but I freeze uncooked quiches. I’ve frozen cooked ones before but the texture changes some with rewarming. I usually make 6-8 different quiches at a time freeze them flat uncooked then once frozen I wrap in foil place in freezer bag and stack them up. Easy to pull one out and cook for about 1 hour for an easy meal.

  14. I made this last night and exchanged the ham for bacon and the Swiss cheese for Mexican blend shredded cheese. It was excellent!

  15. Added 2 more eggs, extra cheese, ham, onions, and added parsley. Made 2 reg size quiches! Delish!

  16. I’d like to make this a head of time and take it camping. What is the best way to reheat it? I do have an oven and a microwave in my camper

      1. That was going to be my reply. And then to call people idiots for using frozen crust. Seriously! Maybe the “knowitall” should start her own blog and call it “SEE YOUR WAY OUTTA HERE”.
        On the bright side, I tried the recipe and it’s amazing.

        1. You need to read more carefully, my dear…and stop calling names. She never called anyone anything for using frozen crusts!

    1. Roxanne Reilley

      I would put it in the oven either by the slice or the entire quiche. I’ve also had success rewarming over the smoldering coals from a morning campfire. I would avoid the microwave–it’ll make the crust soggy.

    2. Linda R Cunningham

      I was looking for the perfect brunch worthy quiche when I found this recipe. I used the recommended frozen pie crust, ham and a touch of crumbled smoked bacon, green onion, green pepper sauteed briefly in a little butter, placed this in the bottom of the pie crust topped off with tender canned, quartered artichoke hearts before adding the egg/cheese batter. It was a total Big Wow hit with my guest paired with a cold crisp glass of Sauvingnon Blanc and fresh fruit salad.
      This is a wonderfully and versatile recipe!

  17. Deborah Harper

    Love this quiche! So easy to make. My grandchildren devour it when I make it for them. I had to make 1 for each of them so they wouldn’t fight over it. Great for dinner too!

  18. I have made a quiche using broccoli and canned, drained and flaked salmon…..it is delicious and whenever I serve it, everyone wants the recipe. It’s a nice change from ham and cheese.

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