Tater Tot Eggs Benedict consist of poached eggs drizzled with Hollandaise sauce on a crispy bed of tater tots with slivers of Canadian bacon.
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 4
Author: Christin Mahrlig
1bagfrozen tater tots
4egg yolks
1tablespoonlemon juice
1/2cupsunsalted butter,melted
pinch of salt
pinch of cayenne pepper
8slicesCanadian bacon
2teaspoonswhite vinegar
Cook tater tots according to package directions.
While tater tots are cooking, make hollandaise sauce. In a stainless steel bowl whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice until thickened and doubled in volume.
Place the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water. Make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. If the eggs get too hot they will scramble.
Very slowly drizzle the melted butter in while continuously whisking. (It's a good idea to lift the bowl up every minute or so to make sure it is not getting to hot.) When all the butter has been added and the sauce is thickened and doubled in volume, remove from the heat and whisk in cayenne and salt. Keep warm until ready to serve. If sauce gets too thick before serving, add a little warm water. You will know it is done when you run a whisk through it and you can see the pan bottom.
Cut Canadian bacon into thin strips and cook in a lightly greased nonstick pan until lightly browned.
Fill a sauté pan with a couple inches of water and bring to a simmer. Add vinegar.
Crack eggs one at a time into a teacup or small bowl. Slowly lower teacup into water and slide egg into water. You can use a spoon to push the egg whites closer to the center of the egg.
Let eggs poach for 3 to 3 1/2 minutes and remove with a slotted spoon to a paper towel lined plate. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
For each plate, place about 1 1/2 cups tater tots on plate and top with 1/4 of the canadian bacon and 2 poached eggs. Drizzle with Hollandaise sauce.